Exchange Rate: N462/$, N513.78/£


By Grace Faloye

The Nigeria currency, Naira, yesterday, appreciated to N462 per dollar in the parallel market. 

According to, the live exchange rate platform of the Association of Bureaux De Change Operators of Nigeria (ABCON),

the parallel market exchange rate dropped  to N462  per dollar from N476.3 per dollar  last week Friday, indicating N14.30 kobo appreciation of the naira.

However, the naira yesterday was stable at N385.67 per dollar in the  Investors and Exporters (I&E) window. 

While Pounds Sterling was stable at N513.78k.

The volume of dollars (turnover) traded in the window increased by 19 percent to  $14.37  million from  $12.09  million last week Friday.


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